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娆 繋鎷ㄦ墦鍏ㄥ浗缁熶竴閿 鍞 儹绾? 981骞达紝鏄 腑鍥芥渶澶х殑搴熺焊鍒舵祮鎴愬 璁惧 鐢熶骇浼佷笟涔嬩竴锛屾槸涓 崕鍏ㄥ浗宸ュ晢涓氳仈鍚堜細绾镐笟鍟嗕細鐞嗕簨鍗曚綅鍜屼腑鍥介 犵焊瀛 細鈥? 鏈濆湥璺 笂 鎴戞槸涓 涓 棤绁炶 鑰咃紝浣嗘垜鏄 竴涓 潥瀹氱殑鏈濆湥鑰咃紝鑷 粠浼佷笟鍒涗笟鐨勯偅澶 捣锛屾垜灏变竴鐩村湪鏈濆湥鐨勮矾涓娿 傜洿鍒颁粖澶 紝褰撲紒涓氳揪鍒颁竴瀹氳 妯 箣鍚庯紝鎴戞墍鏁 晱鈥? 1981骞村ぇ闅楁棤绾跨數缁翠慨閮ㄦ洿鍚嶄负瓒呭嘲鐢靛櫒缁翠慨涓 績 1989骞存垚绔嬫渤鍗楃渷杩愯揪閫犵焊鐗 祫鏈夐檺鍏 徃 1998骞存渤鍗楃渷杩愯揪閫犵焊鐗 祫鏈夐檺鍏 徃鈥? 981骞达紝鏄 腑鍥芥渶澶х殑搴熺焊鍒舵祮鎴愬 璁惧 鐢熶骇浼佷笟涔嬩竴锛屾槸涓 崕鍏ㄥ浗宸ュ晢涓氳仈鍚堜細绾镐笟鍟嗕細鐞嗕簨鍗曚綅鍜屼腑鍥介 犵焊瀛 細鈥? 鏈濆湥璺 笂 鎴戞槸涓 涓 棤绁炶 鑰咃紝浣嗘垜鏄 竴涓 潥瀹氱殑鏈濆湥鑰咃紝鑷 粠浼佷笟鍒涗笟鐨勯偅澶 捣锛屾垜灏变竴鐩村湪鏈濆湥鐨勮矾涓娿 傜洿鍒颁粖澶 紝褰撲紒涓氳揪鍒颁竴瀹氳 妯 箣鍚庯紝鎴戞墍鏁 晱鈥? 閮戝窞杩愯揪寰 俊鍏 紬璐 彿姝e紡涓婄嚎.
chongqing an ju le
zhen cheng wei
shixiaqu, chongqingshi, 400000
Premium - 5 Person Home Survival Kit. Our 5 Person Premium Family Survival Kits can support 5 people for up to 3 days for your home emergency preparedness. This unique unit has it all and no batteries required! Notebook, CERT,. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Not quitting you since 1967. Thursday, April 13, 2006. Freedom School to be held today at Low Plaza. To concerned and interested students,. A reminder that there will be a Freedom School today, April 13, on. The event will go from 12-5. With a series of 30 minute. Sessions open to all who are interested. We are focusing on curriculum. The core, nine ways of knowing, etc.